
Start here:  Check your heart.  Begin with the end in mind.

You are here. Know where you are. Know where you're going.

Where you end up makes a difference.

On the map.   Now.  Which way do you go?  It’s your choice.

What do you do next? How can you find direction to bridge the gap between where you are and where you are going?

Start here.

Determine your final destination.

  • Ask yourself questions. Where do you want to go?  Do you have a plan—an intentional plan—or do you prefer to go with the flow?
  • Know what you want. Where you want to end up determines which map you follow.

How can you know what you want? First, identify where you are now.  What are you doing now?  Listen to your heart.

Need help finding what’s in your heart?

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Check your heart.

Define heart. “Out of the heart comes…” Solomon said when he wrote Proverbs.  What’s in your heart?  How can you find out what is in your heart now?

  • Listen to what comes out of your mouth. “Out of the heart the mouth speaks.”
  • Be aware of your actions. Behavior follows belief.  When the words do not align with actions, that disconnect reveals your heart—who you really are and what you really believe. What you say you believe may not be what you really believe.  Others see the misalignment. Do you?
  • Slow down to hear your inner self-talk. God sees your heart.  He knows your motives.  He sees your inner life—the real you. You are transparent whether you know that or not.
  • Be vulnerable and ask others. How do you affect them?

Take a FREE Needs Assessment

Begin with the end in mind.

There is a judgment coming.  Consequences.  You will stand before the God of the Universe. What happens next?

  • Does it matter what I believe or what the Bible says is true?   Who wins in the end? God does.  My beliefs may not reflect His plan.  He made the map that is customized just for you because he made you.
  • What happens after you die? Your body will return to dust.  Your soul lives on forever.  Jesus rose from the dead and had a human body.  Trusting in God’s plan through receiving Jesus Christ as your personal Savior means that you will not be condemned to eternal misery.
  • Do you need to be concerned if Jesus covers all your faults?  You will be accountable for your actions.  God is a God of justice and mercy.  Actions do have consequences.  However, the same action may have two different consequences.
    • One will be burned up. Combustible = human good motives; led by self, trying harder to please, to earn, to deserve God’s favor.
    • The other will remain. Noncombustible = divine good; led by the power of the Holy Spirit of God within you.

The future depends upon your choices now.

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