Your Words Matter

Words reflect thoughts that reflect motives

Your words matter. Out of the heart the mouth speaks.
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What is the difference between human beings and animals?

Words distinguish human beings from animals and other forms of life. No evolution theory explains that.

When God spoke words, whatever God said came into existence.

I am using Word to write about words

WordPress is a tool for communication.

Passwords protect privacy.

Words have meaning.

Words can heal.


“In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God” (John 1:1).
The Bible Project — Overview: John 1–12

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” (John 1:1). One word made a difference. God spoke and the world came into existence in Genesis. Creation is intentional.

“In the beginning was the Word” is an obvious allusion to Genesis 1 when God created everything with His Word. Now a person’s words–they’re distinct from that person, but they’re also the embodiment of that person’s mind and will, and so John says that God’s Word was with God (that is distinct), and yet the Word was God (that is divine) and as we ponder this claim we hear later that this Divine Word became human in Jesus. Then John goes on to draw from the stories of Exodus, saying that Jesus was God’s Tabernacle in our midst. The glorious divine presence that hovered over the Ark of the Covenant became a human in Jesus, which leads to his last claim that the one true God of Israel consists of God the Father and the Son who has become human to reveal the Father to us.

Healthy Self-Talk

Forgive yourself.

See yourself as God sees you. You are created in God’s image to become the person He created you to be, not by your own effort, but by the power of God’ Spirit residing in you through your surrender to His leading.

What you say is who you are

Words reflect thoughts that reveal motives.

“Trust but verify.”

President Ronald Reagan

Words can hurt

The tongue is the rudder of the soul. Put skid chains on your tongue. Put-downs from others might be absorbed and repeated. Lies are intentional coverups that resemble “gaslighting” techniques to deny someone’s reality.

Negative self-talk can lead to depression, feeling trapped, “walking on eggshells,” loss of hope, …suicide. Medical and mental challenges merge to steal, kill, and destroy people.

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